We have an extensive inventory from which to select seasonally appropriate fine art work and artifacts, such as scrolls and screens. Following Japanese tradition and custom, accessorize your home with seasonal displays.
Seasonal flowers and trees convey a wealth of imagery. The cherry blossoms in spring – from ancient times and inextricable part of the Japanese soul – the peony, a symbol of wealth and fame, the always auspicious pine-bamboo-plum combination are all rich in propitious implications. Celebrated in poetry, these seasonal delights are also favored choices for designs of ceramics for domestic use, Kosode and other garments, and Noh costumes as well. Birds and flowers, a popular theme in screen paintings, present paradises throughout the four seasons, with flocks of birds at play and flowers vying with each other in their beauty.
Below: A pair of six-panel screens; ink and color on paper. Size: height 59″, width 140″ each, 20th century. Signed and sealed Souseki.
Scroll down for beautiful detailed views of each panel.
January – June

July – December