Happy New Year 2023!
A year of new perspective on how to connect.
Connect to the past and present.
Thriving Tradition.
Tradition keeps legends alive.
Cherish the history.
Learn from ancient techniques and from new artists.

Seeing the sunrise from the summit of the highest mountain in Japan is at the top of the bucket list for many adventure-enthusiasts. It is after all, the land of the rising sun. People pray for good harvest and health for the coming new year.
Scroll Motif of Rising Sun
Circa 20th Century
Tea Bowl Motif of Red Fuji by Maehata Shunsai
Toshitsu is the process of coating lacquer over unglazed ceramic tea utensils. The raw lacquer is prepared thinner than usual so that the pottery can absorb the lacquer well. Learn more about the art of Japanese lacquer works here:
Happy and prosperous 2023!